Reevis Mountain School, located in the eastern Superstition Wilderness of Arizona, provides a place of inspiration, peace, and reverence for nature, where students and interns can learn natural healing and self-reliance skills, experience growing their own food, develop spiritual awareness, enjoy a spirit of community, and live healthfully.
Peter Bigfoot, Reevis's founder, has created a homestead of joy, magic, and healing, a place and way of life that reflects his motto: Live what you love!
Reevis's farm is rustic and natural and provides most of the residents needs throughout the year. It consists of a large garden that produces year round, an orchard of a hundred fruit and nut trees, a grape vineyard, and a greenhouse garden, which all produce an abundance for the home, local community, and several restaurants in the Globe and Phoenix areas. The farm also includes several beautiful stone buildings including a showerhouse with solar-heated water, and a solar generated electrical system, which provides all the farms electricity. We also have a workshop, various pens and coops for poultry, yurpees (yurt/teepee combinations), and cozy cabins with wood-burning stoves. The farm hosts a flock of chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese, as well as the customary farm cats. The common house includes a kitchen, dining area, healing room, workroom, office, and a library.
Reevis is located on a 12-acre private in-holding in the Tonto National Forest, ten miles from Roosevelt on a rough country road. The land is nestled in a remote valley at 3,300 feet elevation, protected by mountains on three sides - an isolated and serene setting for our farmstead. A small perennial stream running parallel with the property, supplies the farm with irrigation water. The surrounding wilderness offers unlimited hiking opportunities. The setting makes possible an awesome experience of wild nature, free from pollution and artificial noise.
